DNA feature | Search Criteria | Subset of "DNA feature" forming non-B DNA | Search criteria for "Subset of DNA feature" | Example |
Inverted Repeat | 10–100 nt with reverse complement within 100 nt spacer | Cruciform_Motif | if spacer=0-3 nt | ![]() |
Mirror Repeat | 10–100 nt mirrored within 100 nt spacer | Triplex_Motif | 90% Purine or Pyrimidine and 0–8 nt spacer | ![]() |
Direct Repeat | 10–50 nt repeated within 5 nt spacer | Slipped_Motif | if spacer=0 nt | ![]() |
G-Quadruplex Forming Repeats | 4 or more G-tracts (3-7 G’s) separated by 1–7 nt spacers; Preference for short spacers with C’s and/or T’s | Whole set | As per the whole set | ![]() |
Z-DNA Repeat | G followed by Y (C or T) for at least 10 nt; One strand must be alternating Gs | Whole set | As per the whole set | ![]() |
A-Phased Repeats | 3 or more A-tracts (3-5 As) 10 nt on center each; Spacers between equal sized A-tracts must contain some non As | Whole set | As per the whole set | ![]() |
Acronym | Description |
A | Adenine |
ABCC | Advanced Biomedical Computing Center |
APR | A-Phased Repeat |
C | Cytosine |
CMP | composition |
DAS | Distributed Annotation System |
DR | Direct Repeat |
G | Guanine |
GFF | General Feature Format |
GQFR | G-Quadruplex Forming Repeat |
IR | Inverted Repeat |
MB | Megabyte |
MR | Mirror Repeat |
nBMST | non-B DNA Motif Search Tool |
R | Purine |
rsrd | right strand right direction (in reference to DNA strand orientation) |
STR | Short Tandem Repeat |
T | Thymine |
wswd | wrong strand wrong direction (in reference to DNA strand orientation) |
Y | Pyrimidine |
ZDM | Z-DNA Motif |
DAS | Description |
abccDAS | This database includes features computed at the ABCC including PuPys, STRs, composition, physical DNA characteristics, gene based synteny blocks (GBSB), etc. |
mappingDAS | This database includes features remapped to the reference genome using gmap for other data sources such as RefSeq, Ensembl, MGC, Unigene,miRBase etc. |
ncbiDAS | This database includes features derived from the NCBI genomes directories including genes, SNPs, cytogenic markers assembly information, RepeatMasker elements, etc. |
nonbDAS | This database ncludes alternative DNA structure predictions, including Z-DNA motifs, g-quadruplex forming motifs, inverted repeats, mirror repeats and direct repeats and their associated subsets of cruciforms, triplex and slipped structures, respectively. |
A Phased Repeat
Direct Repeat
G Quadruplex Motif
Inverted Repeat
Mirror Repeat
Short Tandem Repeat
Z DNA Motif
Can I specify how long my repeats can be, the length of the spacer(loops) and the inclusion of mismatches in this nBMST?
Why do I see two types of motifs in one selection? For instance, mirror repeats and triplex motifs. Why can't I select only one type of motif (i.e. only mirror repeats)?